Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Great Preppy Finds!

Thanks to the Wonderful Nautical by Nature, I found this website!!

I am so getting this Horseshoe-Tack stationary for my good friends' Birthday!!

Perfect for horse lovers! This stationery pack includes:

25 padded letter sheets
5 tack flat cards
5 horseshoe foldovers
15 envelopes
address sheet

Carrie & Tuck Stationary Bag!! For Under $40! 

The bright pink notetote includes:

writing pen
address sheet
6" x 9” clipboard
5 awning stripe orange foldovers
5 pink/orange flat cards
25 padded letter sheets
15 envelopes


PreppyBelts said...

Check out our website, www.tuckerblair.com

I think you'll like our preppy wares.



Kate said...

I love my pink note tote :)