Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Book Tag!

I have just been tagged by the lovely SPG

Here are the rules:
1) Grab the nearest book.
2) Open to page 56.
3) Find the 5th sentence.
4) Post the text of the next 2-5 sentences and these rules.
5) Pick the closest book (not the favorite, cool, or intellectual).
6) Tag 5 peeps!

Book: Nine Stories 
Author: J.D. Salinger 
Text: Saturday and most national holidays, the Chief picked us up early in the morning at our various apartment houses and, in his condemned-looking bus, drove out of Manhattan into the comparatively wide open spaces of Van Cortlandt Park or the Palisades. If we had straight athletics on our minds, we went to Van Cortlandt, where the playing field were regulation size and where the opposing team didn't include baby carriage or an old lady with a cane.

I am tagging....

Tres Poshe Preppy (so glad you are back)


Tres Poshe Preppy said...

Thanks for the tag, I will work on this tomorrow! :-)

Meg said...

ok your letter is "N" (a la New York) -- have fun! can't wait to read your post!